The COKO's 2023-2024 Annual Report has been released!

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Changes to the Language Proficiency Policy


Traditionally, international applicants were required to achieve prescribed scores on a standardized language proficiency test to gain a Certificate of Registration to practice a particular health profession in Ontario. Regulatory Colleges set minimum test scores based on the English or French language competence that the regulator believes is necessary for a prospective applicant to practice safely and effectively in Ontario.

It is important to recognize cut scores, or threshold test scores, are typically the outcome of informed expert judgment rather than known objective standards.

It should be noted that current regulatory practice appears to be evolving towards a more flexible approach to proof of language proficiency. Most Colleges have identified a variety of alternatives to completion of a standardized language proficiency test.

The College of Kinesiologists of Ontario (CKO) conducted an environmental scan of the minimum acceptable scores on Language Proficiency Tests. The result of this review shows that our minimum threshold is in keeping with that of most regulators of similar size and scope. Based on these results, the College’s current language scores as provided in the Language Proficiency policy continue to be defensible.

CKO has updated its Registration Policy on Language Proficiency to maintain a balance between a right-touch approach to entry to practice standards and the risk-based protection of public safety.

The College is aware of impending changes to the Regulated Health Professions Act (RHPA) to reduce barriers to registration. Further updates will be made to this policy pending updates to the RHPA and our Registration Regulation.

View the policy.

Share your feedback

The College would like to hear from you on the Language Proficiency policy. All feedback will be considered by Council as part of the decision-making process, whether it is reflected in the final document.

Please share your thoughts through the online survey by Friday, May 27, 2022.

Next steps

The College will review all feedback and present a final policy for Council approval in June 2022. Once the Language Proficiency policy is implemented, changes will be communicated to registrants and stakeholders.

If you have any questions, please email