The purpose of the updated Reissuance of the General Class Certificate of Registration policy is to outline the application process for Inactive Class registrants to be reissued a General Certificate of Registration (General Class), to ensure the current knowledge, skills and judgement needed to practise safely, competently and ethically.
Under section 7(1) 2 of Ontario Regulation 401/12, a registrant holding a General Class Certificate must have practised the profession for at least 1,500 hours during every three-year period beginning on the date of their registration. The requirement of 1,500 practise hours is legislated, which is consistent with the conditions of registrants holding a General Class Certificate under the Registration Regulation.
The updated Reissuance policy requires that kinesiologists who apply for reissuance to the General Class, who have practised less than 1,500 hours in the three years preceding the date of their application, be referred by the Registrar to a Panel of the Registration Committee for review of their knowledge, skill and judgement in the profession. This change helps to identify and address any gaps in the kinesiologist’s required skills prior to returning to active practise.
The College conducted an environmental scan of other health regulators to determine their process for applicants in the Inactive Class or non-practising class to be reissued a General Certificate of Registration. Our findings suggest that most health regulators require applicants to have completed a predetermined amount of direct care hours over a set period, consistent with their General Class requirements. Most regulators require applicants who do not meet the practicing hours requirement to be referred to their Registration Committee for further review.
Share your feedback
The College would like to hear from you on the Reissuance of the General Class Certificate of Registration policy. All feedback will be considered by Council as part of the decision-making process, whether it is reflected in the final document.
Please share your thoughts through the online survey by Friday, May 27, 2022.
Next steps
The College will review all feedback and present a final policy for Council approval in June 2022. Once the Reissuance of the General Class Certificate of Registration policy is implemented, changes will be communicated to registrants and stakeholders.
If you have any questions, please email