The provincial government has called for improved openness and transparency in licensing and professional regulation and has directed Ontario health regulators to implement strategies to improve the way they protect the public. This announcement follows reviews of regulatory bodies in other Canadian provinces.
As a result, the College of Kinesiologists of Ontario (CKO) has commenced the process of reviewing its regulatory practices.
In CKO’s strategic plan for 2019-2022, the College committed to improving the way it operates. The first step we undertook was to develop a Council and Committee Competency Profile for the election and selection of Council and committee members. Council approved this document on March 1, 2021.
On June 28, 2021, Council approved proposed by-law amendments regarding the election of Council members. The changes include revisions to eligibility criteria for those seeking to stand for election to Council, including a provision that registrants have completed a qualification process established by Council.
Proposed Amendments to By-Law 10 of the College of Kinesiologists of Ontario
College staff will review all feedback received and present final by-law amendments for Council approval on September 27, 2021. Once the by-law amendments are approved, staff will communicate these changes to registrants and other partners.
Thank you for your participation.