From time to time, the College receives questions from kinesiologists about their ability to offer complementary/alternative therapies, in addition to conventional kinesiology treatment.
Complementary/alternative therapies fall within a broad group of therapeutic practices, services, remedies, or devices based on various theories or beliefs, which may or may not be grounded in evidence-based practice and scientific principles. Examples include herbal supplements, cupping therapy and homeopathic remedies. Complementary/alternative therapies may be regulated by law, such as acupuncture, or may be unregulated.
In light of the increasing popularity of such therapies, and to address some of the common questions that arise, the College is proposing a draft guideline on complementary/alternative therapies in kinesiology practice. The draft guideline is largely based on a similar guideline developed by the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario.
The draft guideline sets out general principles applicable to both conventional and complementary/alternative therapies, and specific requirements for kinesiologists who intend to offer such therapies or who deal with patients/clients who request or receive such therapies from another source. Some key expectations from the draft guideline are that kinesiologists will:
- Act in the best interests of the patient/client.
- Respect the autonomy of patient/client choice.
- Avoid or appropriately manage conflicts of interest.
- Practice within the scope of their competence.
- Comply with governing laws and standards.
- Conduct a conventional kinesiology assessment first.
- Provide accurate and unbiased information about therapies.
- Make appropriate referrals to other qualified practitioners, where required.
The College’s Council approved the draft guideline in principle at its meeting on April 15, 2019, and directed that it be circulated to the membership for comment. This guideline and feedback received is under review.