The COKO's 2023-2024 Annual Report has been released!

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Complete your Registration

Approximately six weeks after you write the exam, the College will email your results and details on completing your registration. You have one year from the date you receive your results to complete your registration. If one year passes, you may be referred to the Registration Committee to determine if your knowledge and skills are up-to-date.

Completing your registration means that you pay the registration fee and submit any required documentation. At this stage in the process, you must submit proof of carrying professional liability insurance (PLI), or declare that you will get insurance within 30 days of becoming registered, and submit a police check. Learn more below about these requirements below.

Once these requirements are complete, the College will issue you a registration number and send you a welcome package.

Changes to name and contact information

If you have legally changed your name, you must notify the College immediately via email and submit proof of the name change. If your contact information (email address, telephone number, home address, etc.) has changed, you must also notify the College. Please report these changes by sending an email to the College. You can also make changes using the Employment and Contact Information Change form

Professional liability insurance (PLI)

Once you are approved for registration, you must provide a copy of your PLI policy OR sign a declaration that you will submit a copy of your policy within 30 days of becoming registered. 

All regulated health professionals must carry PLI. It protects both kinesiologists and their patients/clients. PLI provides patients/clients with compensation should harm occur as a result of error, omission or negligent act by a kinesiologist, and it protects the kinesiologist by providing legal and financial support should a claim be made against them.

The College does not sell PLI. You may get it from any source, so long as it meets the College’s requirements. Common sources include:

The College’s requirements for PLI are as follows:

Read these PLI FAQs or view the PLI policy for more information.

Police information check

All applicants are required to submit a name-based record check conducted within the last six months. To get a name-based record check, contact your local police department. The College does not accept record checks conducted by third parties (e.g. private companies); contact your local police department. You are not required to submit a vulnerable sector check. Please have the police department email the official document to the College at If the police department does not send checks electronically, please have them mail the official document to:

College of Kinesiologists of Ontario

Attn: Registration Department

1881 Yonge St, Suite 200 

Toronto, ON M4S 3C4

Printed certificate of registration

Approximately four months after completing your registration, the College will mail your printed certificate of registration.