You do not need to complete these steps in exact order, but steps 2-6 must be completed by the exam registration deadline.
Step 1: View the exam registration deadline
The College posts deadlines and logistics about upcoming exams at least four months before the exam date. View the deadlines.
Step 2: Order your official transcript
Once you have graduated, have the school that you attended email the College a copy of your official final transcript. For the purpose of writing the exam, the College only requires your undergraduate transcript. Please have the institution email the official final transcript to
If your school does not email transcripts, the College can also receive the document by mail.
Transcripts must be mailed to:
College of Kinesiologists of Ontario
Attn: Registration Department
1881 Yonge St, Suite 200
Toronto, ON M4S 3C4
Step 3: Complete the Academic Assessment Form
All applicants who graduated from kinesiology or non-kinesiology degree programs in another Canadian province outside Ontario must have their degree assessed to ensure that it is similar to an Ontario kinesiology degree. This is known as educational equivalency. You must complete the Academic Assessment Form by listing the courses you completed that you believe match the template course descriptions. You must also submit evidence that describes course content (i.e. course outline and syllabus). To assess equivalency, the College uses a point system.
The Academic Assessment Form may be uploaded online (see step 6).
Step 4: Complete the Jurisprudence e-Learning Module
All applicants must be familiar with the laws, regulations and standards that apply to kinesiology in Ontario by completing the Jurisprudence e-Learning Module. The module is open-book, and it may be completed up to one year before applying to the College. However, you must complete it before writing the exam. It takes about four hours to complete, but you can log in and out and finish it at your own pace. Complete the Jurisprudence e-Learning Module. Please bookmark this link for later use.
Step 5: Gather supporting documents (if applicable)
If applicable, submit the following documents to the College:
- Original letter of standing from any regulator in any jurisdiction where you are or were registered to practise any profession. Do not submit a letter of standing from a professional association (e.g. OKA, OATA, CSEP, etc.). Please email this letter to the College; and
- Copy of a change of name certificate, marriage certificate or other evidence of a legal name if your name is different from the name on any of your documentation (may be uploaded online- see step 6).
Step 6: Complete the application form and pay the application fee
Create an account and complete the application form. Please write down your username and password as you will need them to log in again. If you want to start your application and then come back to it later, or if you need to pay any fees, click “Login” in the green bar at the top of this page.
The application fee must be paid online. You will be asked to upload any supporting documentation.
Step 7: The College reviews your application
Steps 2-6 are necessary to complete the review of your application. It takes approximately 15 business days for the College to finish the review.
If you meet the requirements:
If your application is complete and you meet the requirements, you will be emailed a form to register for the exam and you will be asked to pay the exam fee.
IMPORTANT: Once the College has determined that you are eligible to write the exam, you must take your first attempt within one year. You have three opportunities or four years, whichever comes first, to pass the exam.
If you do not meet the requirements:
If for any reason you do not meet the educational equivalency requirements, you will be contacted by the College and your application may be referred to the Registration Committee for review.
Step 8: Register for the exam
Once the College has received your exam forms and exam fee, you will receive notification by email with information about how to register for the online exam.