The COKO's 2023-2024 Annual Report has been released!

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Quality Assurance

The College must have in place a quality assurance (QA) program to protect the public. The QA program is educational in nature and designed to help kinesiologists keep their knowledge and skills up-to-date, which helps ensure the public receives competent, professional, ethical and quality care and services.

Kinesiologists are required to demonstrate a commitment to continuous quality improvement and the College is required to support kinesiologists in these efforts. The College measures the impact of its QA Program and uses findings to make improvements that benefit the public. There are three components to the College’s QA Program:

The College is required to monitor kinesiologists’ compliance with the program components, and provide support to kinesiologists who require competency enhancement. View the QA Program policies.

The foundation of the College’s Quality Assurance Program is based on the Essential Competencies of Practice for Kinesiologists in Ontario. The document defines the knowledge, skill, judgment and attitudes required to practise in the public interest.

The Essential Competencies help kinesiologists:

The performance indicators within the Essential Competencies help the College measure the competence of kinesiologists through the self and peer and practice assessments. Together with the practice standards, the Essential Competencies allow the College to clearly communicate the requirements of being a registered kinesiologist.

Practice Standards and Guidelines

Another way CKO protects the public is by developing and maintaining Practice Standards and Guidelines. The Practice Standards are the minimum standards R.Kins must follow to practise kinesiology in Ontario. The Practice Guidelines help R.Kins understand their responsibilities and how to make safe and ethical decisions in their practice.