The COKO's 2023-2024 Annual Report has been released!

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e-Learning Modules

All kinesiologists registered in the General Class must complete the College’s mandatory e-learning modules at least once throughout their registration with the College. Completion of these modules helps protect the public by requiring kinesiologists to take a module that introduces them to a general practice issue or topic and helps them understand fundamental concepts. These modules guide kinesiologists in integrating this new knowledges into their practice, all with the goal of continuous practice improvement. Currently, the College has in place two mandatory modules: the Ethics and Professionalism e-Learning Module and the Prevention of Sexual Abuse e-Learning Module. 

The modules contain multiple choice practice scenarios to help test kinesiologists’ knowledge on the topics and their ability to analyze the relevant issues. Kinesiologists are expected to use their results to identify areas for improvement in their individual learning plans. Both modules are not designed to cover every potential practice scenario related to ethics and sexual abuse prevention, but rather to get you thinking about the issues. Aggregate results are used to help the College identify areas where kinesiologists may benefit from additional educational resources.

Purpose of the Ethics and Professionalism Module

This module will help you better understand how to apply the College’s Code of Ethics in daily practice and the process of making ethical decisions. 

Purpose of the Prevention of Sexual Abuse Module

The module will help you better understand boundary violations and sexual abuse, how to recognize and act on warning signs, and what to do if boundary violations occur. The module will also help you understand your mandatory reporting obligations and how to respond to concerns of sexual abuse appropriately. 

Completing the modules

The modules can be accessed through the online Skilsure Portal that the College uses for access to its e-learning modules and member self assessments. Click on the tab in the top left to select the module you need to complete. Your username is your five or two digit College registration number. If this is your first time logging in to the Portal, your password is your date of birth in the MMDDYYYY format.

Completion of both modules may be counted as learning activity. 


Kinesiologists who fail to complete the modules may be eligible for a peer and practice assessment and may be referred to the Inquiries, Complaints and Reports Committee for non-compliance.