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Use of title and designations

The title kinesiologist is protected in legislation and may only be used by members of the College. The titles kinesiologist, registered kinesiologist or R.Kin tell the public that you are regulated and accountable for your practice and conduct. This offers the public valuable information to make an informed decision on whether they wish to seek care from someone who is regulated versus unregulated.

There are many distinct areas of practice under the scope of practice for kinesiology that may have their own unique titles and designations. These titles and designations may also be helpful information for the public to understand a kinesiologist’s area of focus or expertise. However, “kinesiologist”, “registered kinesiologist” or “R.Kin” must be used after your name in practice. You may then list any other titles or designations. It is the title kinesiologist that assures the public that you are qualified to practise and that you are regulated.

For more information, check the Practice Guideline- Use of Title and Designations.