As part of the annual renewal process, all kinesiologists registered in the General Class must submit proof of valid professional liability insurance (PLI), regardless of if you provide direct care to patients/clients.

Obtaining the required PLI is essential for your practice, as it protects you and your patients/clients in the event of harm.

PLI Requirements

PLI requirements are set out in the CKO By-Laws. Your PLI coverage must include the following:

PLI coverage purchased through a commercial liability package must also meet the above requirements. If your base policy does not cover the full scope of practice of kinesiology, you must obtain a kinesiology extension.

Submitting your PLI with Annual Renewal

When submitting proof of your PLI coverage with your renewal, please ensure the document has the following:

Submitting an expired PLI certificate, a copy of an association card, or a receipt of purchase is not sufficient evidence of PLI coverage. 

Annual Audit

Every year after renewal, CKO randomly audits kinesiologists’ PLI to ensure they comply with the requirements. Kinesiologists who fail to provide the required PLI coverage may face possible suspension of their Certificate of Registration. CKO may also investigate kinesiologists for not holding the required insurance coverage.

Visit PLI FAQs page to learn more about PLI.