From July 7- July 14, kinesiologists in District 3 participated in an election to Council. The College would like to congratulate Susan Garfat on her election to Council for a three-year term.

After the close of the nomination period in May, Marie Cousineau and Lynne Alis Bonsignore were elected to Council by acclamation for three-year terms in Districts 2 and 4, respectively.

In June, Katie St. Denis (District 1) resigned from Council. At its June 29 meeting, Council considered its options for when a long-term vacancy arises. A long-term vacancy means that there is more than 12 months left in the Council member’s term at the time of their resignation. According to the College’s By-Laws, Council can appoint the runner up from the previous election, hold a by-election or appoint an eligible successor from registrants in the district. Council decided to appoint the runner up in the 2019 election. As a result, Candace Glowa was appointed to Council for a two-year term.

Candace, Marie, Susan and Lynne join a Council composed of kinesiologists and public members appointed by the Ontario Government. Council is the College’s board of directors. Council sets the College’s strategic and policy direction, and makes decisions that protect and promote the public interest. Learn more about Council.

For more information, email Brenda Kritzer, Registrar and CEO.